Sunday, October 2, 2011

We Have Been Fed...Now Feed My Sheep

Conference Weekend Is Always a Special Weekend.  We all can appreciate the opportunity to hear the wonderful teachings of the Savior but we get to do it in the comfort of our home.  I think everyone enjoy's this.  It seems like there was always a nice breakfast and papers . pen, crayons available to draw or take notes.  Today Primary or Grandpa and Grandma Renouf will send out conference packages so kids can follow along.  I love to hear about each families different experiences. The first pictures is in a snap doughnuts that Candice made for her family.  They listen to conference on their computer .  As you can see there is always comfortable clothing and a lot of multitasking going on.  Candice made me promise to mention Amery is excellent at it as she is laying on the floor and listening to conference.  Katie's family watched conference and had breakfast around their coffee table.  There family and I believe Kaden did some drawings.  The picture depicting the temple.  If you notice he writes that it is the the Downey California Temple.  I think Downey may always hold a special spot for many family members. Courtney's family watched conference on TV.  She was looking forward to hearing the Young Women President Sister Dalton.  She recently heard her speak to the Young women and really enjoyed that. As for Cammy she is unavailable for an interview...I will update how they chose to listen when I hear from her. Mark and I started the day with Strawberry Waffles with Strawberry Perserves and whip cream, Maple Sasuages and a tall glass of chilled milk. I think Mark enjoyed it and I enjoyed my Chocolate Soy Puff which I love .  Conference was really great.  I loved hearing President Monson.  He was so animated and funny.  I loved the talk about his $5.00.  It was so easy to relate to his story because who doesn't hate to lose anything let alone hard earned money.  I do have to admit that his example of turn to the Lord in prayer for his $5.00 really touched me.  At such a tender age to take his problem to Heavenly Father and to have continued to share all of his concerns through his life has set a wonderful example for us to follow.  Sometimes it seems my troubles are mine (perhaps here by my own actions) and I should not trouble the Lord but I can see the wisdom in learning to rely on him in all things.  What a great message to share with our children , our grandchildren and each of us this day.  

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