Sunday, September 28, 2014

Daughters in the Covenant -Women's Conference September 2014

The Best part of the Women's Meeting were the beautiful messages. 

                   My favorite President Uchtdorf.

It's been a wonderful weekend. A beautiful Women's Meeting with uplifting messages.  This event was a labor of love.  It was a lot  work, but I had so much support.  Number one is my amazing husband.  He really sustains my efforts to serve Heavenly Father and the women of the Lake Elsinore Stake.  I was sent this quote this week by a dear friend. It came as I was wondering if perhaps I was taking on to much with my calling .  I want to share this so I always remember this beautiful message

“The Prophet Joseph was often asked, ‘Brother Joseph, 

what do you mean by magnifying a calling?’

“Joseph replied: ‘What does it mean to magnify a calling? It means to build it up in dignity

and importance, to make it honorable and commendable in the eyes of all men, to enlarge 

and strengthen it, to let the light of heaven shine through it to the view of other men. And 

how does one magnify a calling? Simply by performing the service that pertains to it.’” 

Elder Thomas S. Monson, Conference Report,

 Today we were able to attend church with two of our daughters and watch our sweet grandchildren in the Children's Sacrament Program. Each grandchild spoke, sang and bought the spirit of our Heavenly Father into the heart's of all in attendance. The entire Granada Ward Primary did an amazing job. I am grateful for the love of our Father in Heaven, that families are eternal, and that my grandchildren are being raised by goodly parents who love the Lord ! I end with this beautiful quote as I close out my Sabbath day.

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