Here the little snap crackle pop that dropped into our family.
Billy Sanders is turning 11 years old this year on July 1st, 2012.
Billy loves being a boy scout, reading and playing video games.
He loves working on projects with tools .
He takes good care of the family making sure everything is in correct order.
He is the time keeper of the movies...he makes sure we are all on time.
We Love You and Are Always Proud of You !
I Love Brownies For A Snack
My favorite memory is being sealed to my family.
I want to be a novelist
I love the song
My favorite dinner is Cheese Pizza
If I could go anywhere in the world it would be the Bahamas
I love to collect crystal rock and geo's
My favorite Scripture Story is About Lehi & His Family Crossing to America
I love pumpkin chocolate chip pumkin muffins
I love baking pumpkin muffins
My favorite household chore is cleaning the bathroom
One of the commandments I always keep is No Cussing
My favorite movie is Percy Jackson Lightening Thief
I love reading books
I love when our family plays soccer together
I love to teach soccer
I love to learn about the Greeks Gods